Synonym: car park, park, parking area. Similar words: parking, the working class, spark, single, seemingly, single out, clothing, blotting. Meaning: n. a lot where cars are parked.
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61. The parking lot had turned to mush in the rain.
62. When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
63. As McMenamy pushed the cart to the outside door of the bank, Fish followed, scanning the parking lot.
64. Great creamy clusters of white lilac fringed the parking lot and tulips blew behind allotment wire.
65. Basically, if there are no pygmy owls present, a private landowner can turn his critical habitat into a parking lot.
66. Her car was found in a parking lot at the bridge.
67. It came after dismissal, when the entire class rushed to the parking lot and got into their cars.
68. They gathered each night in a 228-car parking lot, speaking over a public address system.
69. Convention center plans call for expanding upon an outdoor parking lot adjacent to, and south of, the existing center.
70. Solution: We arranged for public transportation to shuttle students to campus from a parking lot across town.
71. He watched me until I pulled out of the parking lot, turning left.
72. A temporary parking lot will be provided to handle the overflow.
73. The parking lot is quickly transformed into a woodsy park.
74. Jen and Mike were coming down the path from the mountain, back to the parking lot.
75. The spacious restaurant surrounded by a convenient parking lot beams out yellow.
76. They work just off the Ritz hotel parking lot.
77. Downstair and free parking lot.
78. The parking lot was chocked up with cars.
79. Please trace the location of the parking lot.
80. Great,( ) if you enjoy looking at a parking lot.
81. They opened a parking lot on the bomb site.
82. And , it's next to the parking lot?
83. There's only one inlet to the parking lot.
84. Is there a parking lot nearby?
85. The proof is in the parking lot at the presidential palace in Dakar.
86. In 2001, when she was 17, she was riding to school from swim practice on her motor scooter in Cape Town when she was hit by a car pulling out of a parking lot.
87. Sign - in and staging area opposite from parking lot for ZiZhu Science Park.
88. Atlanta authorities say police shot and wounded a robbery suspect in a parking lot of a suburban shopping mall.
89. The Dead Marshes were actually a water-filled parking lot, the same one that had doubled up for outside the mines of Moria in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).
90. The truck lumbered across the parking lot toward the road.
More similar words: parking, the working class, spark, single, seemingly, single out, clothing, blotting, fucking, banking, milking, kingdom, striking, increasingly, surprisingly, marketing, unrelentingly, something like, parenting, globe, glove, global, glower, lot, lots, slot, plot, angle, ballot, pilot.